This very beautiful statement is all about vision. Robert Kennedy repeatedly invoked Shaw’s statement as he outlined an idealistic vision for our country during his 1968 presidential campaign.
Vision is the invisible power that enables us to project into the future to conceive an ideal. Without the power of vision, our planning would be short-term and we would have a much more difficult time reaching to the heights we are capable of as human beings.
Vision is something to be shared, certainly by a politician running for office, a corporate executive looking to expand the business or a founder of a new charter school.
Even if the vision is a more personal one, it should be shared. In all likelihood, the individual is going to need the help of others to achieve the vision. Those being asked to help are going to say yes more meaningfully and offer their help more deliberatively if they understand and visualize the vision.
Do you presently have a vision for something in your future?
With whom have you shared your vision?